I've read 10 books throughout the summer which is unheard of for me as I'm such a slow reader usually! It's fair to say that I've rediscovered my love for reading and have become a proper book worm. I definitely do not want to have to put reading aside now that I'm back at college, so I'm going to tell you about the books I'm going to be sure to read this Autumn:
On the Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher
My friend bought this for me a a birthday present but I haven't had the chance to read it yet! Before meeting my friend, I'd never watched Carrie as a YouTuber, but I now really love her channel. The cover of this book is so beautiful and the story sounds great. The blurb is very vague, which always intrigues me, but I know it's a love story, and so I reckon I'll love it!
Always with Love by Giovanna Fletcher
Sticking with the Fletcher family, this is also an 'I-can't-wait-to-read-it' book. I read Billy and Me as part of the Zoella Book Club, and after initially taking a while to settle into the story, I genuinely adored it. The characters were so well written and I found it so easy to like them all, so when I finished the book, I knew I had to find out more in the second book!
You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour and David Levithan
I was in Waterstones a while ago, picking up random books and exploring different blurbs to find interesting books. And this book definitely jumped out to me as one I really wanted to read. It's about two characters; Kate who is 'running away from a chance of meeting the girl she has loved from afar' and Mark, who is 'in love with his best friend, Ryan', so the book clearly has representation of the LGBTQ+ community. I've never read a love story from an LGBTQ+ perspective - I guess because there aren't many out there, or at least not as many publicized as much. I think it's so important to see this representation, and I'm hugely excited to read about this story.
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child; Parts One and Two by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne
Of course this is a book I'm going to be reading this Autumn. I was lucky enough to see the play in August (don't worry; no spoilers ahead) and couldn't have fallen in love with the story more. I've started to read the script already, and find that I'm able to picture the scenes so well, which I love and am so hugely grateful for. I'm not going to be reading it all in one go, but rather savouring it and reading it gradually so it lasts for longer. But anyway, it's an incredible story :)
What books are you going to read this Autumn?
