Tuesday, 22 September 2015

The Best Shampoo I've Ever Used

Hello everyone, apologies for my absence once again...I hope you're all feeling fabulous and are enjoying life! Just to let you know, I have changed my blog name back to Georgie Blue(on everything except Bloglovin' - It doesn't want to let me change the name at the moment but I'm working on it!) I originally called it this so I coordinated it with my URL, but when the blog was called Georgia Charlotte, the name and URL didn't match. And now they do, which makes me happy :)

Today I think there is something I need to share with you, and that is...


So, what is this shampoo you ask? Well my friends, I can tell you that it is the: "Neutrogena Anti Residue Shampoo".

On my holiday to Italy in 2013 (I think), my hair got to that stage where it just built up residue from other shampoos which I was completely unable to remove (does anyone else know what I mean? Is it just me?) It was weird because the parts of my hair that I see when looking in the mirror were absolutely fine, but when brushed my hair at the back of my head, it felt really greasy, and I can tell you that it wasn't nice!

My mum (as mums do) knew how to sort it out. She told me that she used to buy this shampoo occasionally and it was flawless, so of course we had to buy another bottle for me to use (and for her to use some again!) 
After one use, my hair was washed completely free of all the residue, even removing the residue that you didn't know was there! My hair felt so silky smooth and I was so pleased with it! The bottle recommends that you use it once a week and then use your regular shampoo, but I use it only when my hair builds up noticeable residue. This way, not only does it last longer, but your hair feels so much nicer when you do use it!!

I'll be honest - it's not cheap (at around £7 for 175ml), but any of you who have read any of my other posts may know that I love finding bargains! So for me to be recommending this to you is a big thing for me! It does work wonders and is totally worth the price if not more! The only down side is that as far as I'm aware, most drugstores have stopped stocking it, so on the two occasions that we have bought it (yes 2 bottles since 2 years ago - yes you really don't need it that often!) we've bought it either from amazon or ebay! - Don't worry, you can buy new bottles, not just half used ones haha!!

Here are some links to the products, although I'm sure if you just search the name, you can find other bottles elsewhere: 

Let me know if you fancy buying a bottle, and what you think of it if you do buy one!! Trust me, I think it's amazing!!

Thanks for being patient with me even when I haven't posted a lot, 
Lots of Love

Let me know if you want to follow my twitter, then I know where you found my account from, and I'll be sure to accept you! Happy Reading! xx

*DISCLAIMER* All the opinions above are my own, and I cannot take responsibility if you do not feel the same way. Links may vary. Product available from alternative sources. 
Happy Reading x 

Monday, 7 September 2015

Life Update:

Hello everyone!!

Sorry for my lack of blog presence recently! I have had a lot of things going on in the past few days, but I feel that I should have made more of an effort to at least check my blog! So I'm sorry for that!

Anyway, I'm here now, and although I haven't got any great blog post ideas, I thought that it was important for me to at least post something, so I'm going to do a quick life update:

So today was my first induction day of Sixth Form!!! I was so excited because I knew there would be so many opportunities to start new subjects and also to meet loads of new people! most of my friends are also at this school though, so it's great that I do know people there already! I have my second induction day on Wednesday when I am going to meet my Tutor and my Tutor group. On Thursday I'll officially start my lessons, which I'm so excited about!!!

On Saturday, I had a bit of a funny disaster! Basically, my mum, my friends and their families and I all run our local 5K run most Saturday mornings, and I've done it many times. I have this sort of self-tradition, that I save all my energy until the last 100m and then I sprint with all my energy and try to overtake as many people as possible! Usually it's fine, but I sprinted the fastest that I ever have on Saturday and then my hip started aching. By the time I got home, I was in agony! I could barely walk so I was sitting down for most of the day!!! Honestly, if I wanted to walk from the sofa to the table, I had to take the smallest steps at the slowest pace possible! By Sunday, it was worse and I was super worried about not being able to go to Sixth Form!! I couldn't miss it and be behind on the first day!! So we had to go to the out-of-hours emergency doctor's surgery to ensure that I hadn't done any serious damage! Thankfully I hadn't and the Doctor said that it was just a very painful pulled muscle!! So I've been taking loads of (but not over the limit, don't worry!) pain killers and I was all good today!! Phew!

Also, another exciting (probably not) fact is that I bought a sewing machine! I had this weird sudden urge to make myself some decorative bunting for my room, so I bought a load of the cutest fabrics and found this second hand sewing machine for only £30! My mum bought it for me as a present for my results, and I'm in love with it!! Honestly, it's the cutest thing ever!! I've already made most of the bunting, and since I don't have to go into school tomorrow, I'm going to have it finished by then!!! I'll share some pictures once it's done, because I love it so far!!

Finally, I'd like to ask a question! I've been thinking for a while about my blog name. I know my blog URL is georgieblue.blogspot.com but my blog's actual name is Georgia Charlotte. Do you think I should change it back to Georgie Blue so that it matches my URL? If I was to do this, I'd make sure that I changed it on Bloglovin as well so that it all matched! Could you let me know what you think?

Thank you so much for reading, and apologies for not being on here for a while!!

Love as always! Georgia xxx

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

What's In My School Bag?

Hey everyone! 

Today I felt like showing you the things that are in my school bag, because I like watching/reading this sort of video/post. This may not be the sort of blog post that you typically read, but I hope you'll enjoy reading it anyway, and I hope you find it useful!

So, first I have the bag itself. I needed a new bag because my Accessorize backpack had almost completely worn through, and I really like the 'Hype' bags. I decided on this black on with 'Sky Blue Speckles' (or as I call them, paint splatters).It was £29.99 from Amazon with free delivery, and it's a bit like a Tardis because you can fit loads of stuff in it, without it looking overly huge!

 I have this A4 ring binder and notebook from my 'Back to School Stationary' in my bag. I might take one of the other A4 ring binders with me on some days but for the first day I think I'll just take one.

I of course take my pencil case! I mean, you need to write, right? This sort of stationary is my favourite part of my stationary obsession. I love all the cute pencil cases and different coloured pens! I bought this pencil case quite a while ago from Paperchase so it might not still be available, but I think it was about £5.50 and I think it's so cute with the little fox and the owl on it!

I'm going to take a book with me in case I have to wait around for anything I have nothing to do. I probably won't need it but if I have it in my bag then it will encourage me to read instead of go on my phone. I'm currently reading "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner.  Of course, I also have my Harry Potter Bookmark!

Of course I have my college planner in my bag which I'll use to note down any homework, exams and any other deadlines I have to meet. I also bought Louise's new 2016 diary which I'm planning to use from January on wards because it's so pretty!!

My Psychology textbook is also in my bag because I'm taking it for A-Level. I'm really excited to start studying Psychology because it's so interesting, and it's a completely new subject for me!

It goes without saying that my phone will be in my bag! I'm also taking my earphones so I can listen to music if I want to whilst I'm walking to and from school each day! I have my purse with me for obvious reasons. I bought it from a little independent shop for about £6, and I love the little quirky pattern on it. For my birthday, my family friends gave me this lovely Cath Kidston ticket holder. It has 3 compartments and I'm going to use it for my college ID card and other student cards. And of course, a hairbrush because if you've got hair as thick as mine, you'll know that even the slightest gust of wind will make it so knotty! So it's essential to take my brush with me!

I had homework to do over the summer, which of course I'll be taking on my first day. It's really important to complete any homework you have because you want to make the right first impression and also, you don't want to fall behind!!

I'm taking this little makeup bag with me to keep together lots of bits and bobs, including my deodorant, keys, hairbands, makeup etc.

Finally, I'll be taking a water bottle and a lunch with me, but occasionally I'll be buying lunch at the school cafe!

Thank you for reading! Do you have any school bag essentials? Leave me a comment below!!

Love as always, 
Georgia xxx

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

What I've Done This Summer

Believe it or not, in the UK we do actually have a summer, I know, what?!?! - Usually temperatures can get up to 30ºC which for us Brits is very hot. Unfortunately, this year has been a whole other story. Yes, we did have a heat wave week (which thankfully was the week of my birthday) when the UK's hottest ever temperature was recorded, but other than that, we've endured a majority of rainy days and April-like temperatures *sighs*

Now, summer is without a doubt my favourite season. I always think that it brings out the best in everyone! People are enjoying being outside and not having to worry about bringing layers and layers of clothing just to keep warm! There's something about the need for sunglasses and the clear blue sky that I find so satisfying!

If I'm honest, I have felt a little bit deprived this summer because I've barely been able to wear shorts! To me, summer means wearing shorts and dresses, but it just hasn't been hot enough! Okay, I obviously haven't been needing a coat or gloves, so I guess jeans are a good compromise, but it would have been nice to wear shorts, yanno what I mean?!

Even if I am complaining about the weather, this holiday has been just as great. We've been able to do lots of cool things during my parents' two weeks off! I'm going to show you some pictures I've taken from our outings, I hope you enjoy!

We went to Aldeburgh which is a coastal town in Suffolk. It's a couple of hours drive away from where we live, but we've been there several times before, and we keep going back because we love it so much! This time we went with my Grandma, Grandad and my Auntie. If you're from the UK I'm sure you'll agree that Fish and Chips (or what ever you have instead) is an absolute must when you're at the seaside, so of course we had some! (Aldeburgh have the best Fish and Chips!!) I don't think it's really a 'thing' anywhere else in the world because it's quite British, but I can't imagine going to the beach and not having some!

One day we went on a beautifully relaxing boat trip along the river. It was two hours long, so me and my sister took a book to read for some of the journey. It was lovely feeling the breeze and hearing the gentle splash of the water. 

Another day we went to the beach. It was one of those beaches which is partly sand and partly pebbled. This was one of the few really hot days so we knew there would be loads of people going to the coast, so we decided to go to a more rural beach. It was lovely, because it wasn't packed like some of the more popular beaches, but it wasn't deserted either! There was just the right amount of people there for it to be perfect!

I hope you enjoyed this post! What have you been up to this summer?

Thank you to everyone for reading,

Love as always, Georgia xxx

Follow my bloglovin account here!

P.S. All of the photos were taken by me; sorry there weren't a great deal of photos! I was scrolling through, choosing some to include and I realised that the vast majority of them had either me or my family in them! I know there are other bloggers who have pictures of them on their blogs and I really admire them for it! I hope in the future I'll have built up enough confidence to do the same! I love you all xxx