Sorry for my lack of blog presence recently! I have had a lot of things going on in the past few days, but I feel that I should have made more of an effort to at least check my blog! So I'm sorry for that!
Anyway, I'm here now, and although I haven't got any great blog post ideas, I thought that it was important for me to at least post something, so I'm going to do a quick life update:
So today was my first induction day of Sixth Form!!! I was so excited because I knew there would be so many opportunities to start new subjects and also to meet loads of new people! most of my friends are also at this school though, so it's great that I do know people there already! I have my second induction day on Wednesday when I am going to meet my Tutor and my Tutor group. On Thursday I'll officially start my lessons, which I'm so excited about!!!
On Saturday, I had a bit of a funny disaster! Basically, my mum, my friends and their families and I all run our local 5K run most Saturday mornings, and I've done it many times. I have this sort of self-tradition, that I save all my energy until the last 100m and then I sprint with all my energy and try to overtake as many people as possible! Usually it's fine, but I sprinted the fastest that I ever have on Saturday and then my hip started aching. By the time I got home, I was in agony! I could barely walk so I was sitting down for most of the day!!! Honestly, if I wanted to walk from the sofa to the table, I had to take the smallest steps at the slowest pace possible! By Sunday, it was worse and I was super worried about not being able to go to Sixth Form!! I couldn't miss it and be behind on the first day!! So we had to go to the out-of-hours emergency doctor's surgery to ensure that I hadn't done any serious damage! Thankfully I hadn't and the Doctor said that it was just a very painful pulled muscle!! So I've been taking loads of (but not over the limit, don't worry!) pain killers and I was all good today!! Phew!
Also, another exciting (probably not) fact is that I bought a sewing machine! I had this weird sudden urge to make myself some decorative bunting for my room, so I bought a load of the cutest fabrics and found this second hand sewing machine for only £30! My mum bought it for me as a present for my results, and I'm in love with it!! Honestly, it's the cutest thing ever!! I've already made most of the bunting, and since I don't have to go into school tomorrow, I'm going to have it finished by then!!! I'll share some pictures once it's done, because I love it so far!!
Finally, I'd like to ask a question! I've been thinking for a while about my blog name. I know my blog URL is but my blog's actual name is Georgia Charlotte. Do you think I should change it back to Georgie Blue so that it matches my URL? If I was to do this, I'd make sure that I changed it on Bloglovin as well so that it all matched! Could you let me know what you think?
Thank you so much for reading, and apologies for not being on here for a while!!
Love as always! Georgia xxx
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