Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Re: My November Goals. How did I get on?

So about a month ago, I wrote a post called My November Goals, which you can read here if you'd 
like to. I wrote about things I wanted to achieve or improve throughout November, and it was really great because I heard back from several of you about the goals you'd set yourself. I said in that post that I'd like to get back to you about whether or not I succeeded by the time December came, and since it's now December (how?! when did this happen?!) that's exactly what I'm going to do!

Number One: Did I Eat Healthily?
Actually, I have in a sense managed this! I now only eat sweets on the weekends, and am finding it a lot easier to resist them...yaayy! I still have a lot of snacks during the day so I haven't quite got this sorted, but it's definitely better than it was a month ago!

Number Two: Am I More Organised?
Definitely. This one has worked. I realised that with the stress of sixth form and now having a temporary job to manage as well, I hadn't really got a choice but to get more organised! But it's worked and I'm so pleased! Reduce stress levels, complete.

Number Three: Have I Blogged More?
I suppose this one is for you to answer, but I feel like I have to some extent. There was a point where I didn't blog at all, so I guess it's an improvement on that. I just feel like the organisation thing, has freed up more time for me to open up my laptop and write on this little blog space.

Number Four: Have I Exercised Regularly?
Not so much "regularly" but I did stick to my goal of doing the parkrun once a month. I did it last weekend and I got a time of 31 minutes - It's nowhere near my personal best, but considering I'd done literally no exercise in about 2 or 3 months, I'm sooo pleased! Although my legs ached for 3 days afterwards (not joking) I really enjoyed it, and I'm going to do it another weekend soon!

Number Five: Have I Had More "Me Time"?
I'm gonna say yes. Purely due to the fact that I'm less stressed and much happier. My organisation has meant that I can have more time to do nothing, but that's all a 16 year old A Level student needs really. 

I'm so pleased that they didn't just last two or three days and that I actually stuck to them and achieved something! I really do want to know how you guys got on, because I know there were several of you who had similar goals to me. Please leave me a comment, because I'd love to hear from you!

Love as always,

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Homemade Bunting!

So recently I’ve been feeling pretty creative. I couple of months ago, I bought a second hand sewing machine and started making myself some bunting to put up in my bedroom. It had been 90% complete for ages, but I just needed to go out and buy some nice ribbon to sew the individual bunting triangles onto. Well, I finally got round to buying some at the weekend, and today my mum and I hung it up in my room.
I’m so proud of it, because it looks so cute and it was really fun to make!
Anyway, here are some pictures of the finished product!

Let me know what you think! I’m definitely going to make some more soon! My room will be full of bunting!

Love as always,

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