So about a month ago, I wrote a post called My November Goals, which you can read here if you'd
like to. I wrote about things I wanted to achieve or improve throughout November, and it was really great because I heard back from several of you about the goals you'd set yourself. I said in that post that I'd like to get back to you about whether or not I succeeded by the time December came, and since it's now December (how?! when did this happen?!) that's exactly what I'm going to do!
Number One: Did I Eat Healthily?
Actually, I have in a sense managed this! I now only eat sweets on the weekends, and am finding it a lot easier to resist them...yaayy! I still have a lot of snacks during the day so I haven't quite got this sorted, but it's definitely better than it was a month ago!
Number Two: Am I More Organised?
Definitely. This one has worked. I realised that with the stress of sixth form and now having a temporary job to manage as well, I hadn't really got a choice but to get more organised! But it's worked and I'm so pleased! Reduce stress levels, complete.
Number Three: Have I Blogged More?
I suppose this one is for you to answer, but I feel like I have to some extent. There was a point where I didn't blog at all, so I guess it's an improvement on that. I just feel like the organisation thing, has freed up more time for me to open up my laptop and write on this little blog space.
Number Four: Have I Exercised Regularly?
Not so much "regularly" but I did stick to my goal of doing the parkrun once a month. I did it last weekend and I got a time of 31 minutes - It's nowhere near my personal best, but considering I'd done literally no exercise in about 2 or 3 months, I'm sooo pleased! Although my legs ached for 3 days afterwards (not joking) I really enjoyed it, and I'm going to do it another weekend soon!
Number Five: Have I Had More "Me Time"?
I'm gonna say yes. Purely due to the fact that I'm less stressed and much happier. My organisation has meant that I can have more time to do nothing, but that's all a 16 year old A Level student needs really.
I'm so pleased that they didn't just last two or three days and that I actually stuck to them and achieved something! I really do want to know how you guys got on, because I know there were several of you who had similar goals to me. Please leave me a comment, because I'd love to hear from you!
Love as always,
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