It was my birthday last Sunday and I finally turned 17! Obviously as I go to college in the UK, I'm young in my academic year and all of my friends were 17 ages ago, so finally it's quite satisfying to be able to join them in the act of being 17! I am so grateful to have had such a lovely day; I had a relaxing day at home with my family and we had a BBQ in the evening which was great because the weather was actually nice in comparison to the torrential downpours we've had recently.
I love reading or watching blog posts and videos where people show what they got for their birthdays so I thought I would do one on my blog, in the hope that you enjoy these posts too!
Firstly though, a little disclaimer: I am completely and utterly grateful for all of the presents I was lucky enough to receive. I'm not bragging or boasting in any way, shape, or form - I just wanted to share with you my presents because I love them all! Thank you so much to everyone who gave me a present, it was so kind of you and I'm thoroughly grateful!
From my parents I got this gorgeous pastel blue jumper. It's a really cute bat-wing shape and the sleeves have little white stripes on them, which I love. Obviously, it's not the time of year for jumpers, but it'll be perfect in a couple of months and I can't wait to wear it!
In case you didn't know, I'm a Norwich City fan and I got this football training jacket from my grandparents. I'd asked for this for my birthday and I was so happy to unwrap it! It'll be great to wear to matches when it's too cold to just wear my football shirt, and I can't wait to wear the colours of my team with pride.
Also, I got this beautiful snood/scarf from my parents. Again, it's something I won't get much wear out of in the summer, but my parents bought it thinking it would look really cute in months to come!
I got two gift cards; a New Look one from my friend, and a Topshop one from my Auntie, Uncle and cousins. I also got some money from another friend and another Auntie. I've been really wanting a bomber jacket for a while now, so I'm probably going to use the gift cards and money to invest in one!
From my sister, I got 'Caspar Lee' by Caspar Lee and his mum, Emily Riordan Lee. It's essentially a biography about Caspar's life, but with little edits by Caspar throughout. He's 'highlighted' certain parts and made annotations which I think are a really nice touch to the book. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I'm looking forward to it!
I also got another two books from my parents; 'Sweet Caress' by William Boyd, and 'Black Rabbit Hall' by Eve Chase. My mum bought them knowing they weren't the type of book that I'd usually go for, but she thought I'd enjoy them. After reading both blurbs, I'm really intrigued by them as they sound so lovely and I'm hoping they'll get me to enjoy new genres of books!!
One of my friends bought me this sewing projects book by Jodi Kahn, called 'Simply Sublime Gifts'. For those of you who don't know, I love sewing, and as I'm writing this, my sewing machine is right in front of me waiting for me to resume making the bunting I started earlier today! So I love sewing! And I cannot wait to try out some of these amazing projects in the book!
I got this adorable knitted key ring from my parents. My mum came across a shared facebook page in which a lady was knitting loads of the cutest toys and key rings and donating the money to a charity for Alzheimer's research (can't remember the exact charity name). My mum thought it was both a great cause, and a cute key-ring as it looks like a canary (the Norwich City mascot animal) so it was perfect for me! It's so adorable and I love it!
I realise there's been a lot of Football themed things in this post, but this is the last one I swear! My parents bought me this retro road sign for Carrow Road (the name of the Norwich City ground) and I am in love with it. I've been looking at things like this for a while now, but forgot about them recently, so I was very pleasantly surprised to unwrap it on my birthday, but I am so grateful!
One of my friends bought me this vanilla scented incense which I've had diffusing in my room for a few days now, and it smells amazing! My parents also bought me this 'Wild Cotton & Ylang' scented candle. I haven't lit it yet as it would clash with the incense but it smells beautiful and it will be even better once it's lit!
My friend bought me this Bellatrix Lestrange Wanted poster from Harry Potter. I absolutely love things like this, that can be home decorations but were also genuinely in the films/books and not just a picture of the actors etc. So I was so happy to receive this and it's going straight up on my wall once I've re-painted it!
And that leads me on to my final present. For a while now, I've been keen to update my room; not update the whole thing, just re-paint it my walls and change the blue that I have at the moment to a more mature white/cream. I'm going to do this in a few weeks and I cannot wait because I think it will make my room look a lot more 'grown up' and mature. I'm so excited, and I think just a new coat of paint will make a lot of difference.
When is your birthday? What's the best present you've ever given or received?

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