Monday, 31 August 2015

Travel Edition of "Would You Rather?"

The other day, I saw this post on Yasmine's Blog ( which is an amazing blog - I really recommend that you go and check it out! Her post made me want to do one on my own blog and if you've read any of my previous posts you'll probably have gathered that I want to do a lot of traveling in the future, so this post is perfect for me!

So, would I rather...

  • Travel or focus on your career at the age of 25? - I'd like to be able to do both, so I think I'd like to be one of those people who goes abroad for several months or a year and gets a job out there. My cousin did this and I really like the idea because you can be earning money whilst also exploring new countries! My career plan is a bit weird so I probably won't be able to focus on my ideal job until I'm a bit older anyway.

  • Have a £10,000 budget for a holiday and fly 1st class for £5000 and stay in mediocre accommodation or spend £1000 on flying economy class and then stay in luxury accommodation? - It would have to be flying in economy class. I'm not really bothered about 1st class travel. Ideally I would fly economy class and then stay in standard accommodation (but not too basic!!) because then I'd have more money to spend on having the coolest days out!!

  • Never have to take the train again or never take an aeroplane again? - This is a hard one, because for the last 7 holidays (either in France or Italy) we've driven there so I'm used to not flying. So my first thought would be to never fly again, because I use the train too much (also, imagine London without the tubes....). Buuuttt, 3 of the places I most want to visit are the US, Brazil and Australia, and you can't exactly drive there! I'm going to have to leave this question unanswered and be thankful that both do exist haha!!!

  • Have an awesome job in a mediocre city or a mediocre job in an awesome city?  - The second option because then you'd have so many awesome things to do in your social time! 

  • Be able to teleport to places you've already been or only be able to teleport to places you've never been before? - Teleport to places you've never been before becuase there are so many interesting and beautiful places out there to see!

  • Stay in a palm hut along the seashore for a week or stay in a log cabin in the woods for a month? - Probably on the seashore, although both options sound amazing!!

  • Be stuck on a 7 hour delay or turn up at the airport and realise your flight is tomorrow? - Although it would be horrible, I'd prefer to be stuck on a 7 hour delay because there would be shops in the airport that you could explore and there would be the other passengers that you could chat to or play games with. Also, I'd have a book with me and hopefully a laptop that you could watch films on. (When we were little, our flight was delayed, so everyone crowded around my dad's laptop and we all watched Peter Pan!!) 

  • Travel along the ocean floor or take a trip to outer space? - As much as I think it would be awesome to go into space, I really don't want to because I would hate the silence and the emptiness of it. The size of the universe is something I can't really get my head around so I'd much rather go along the ocean floor! Honestly I think it would be so cool, because there would be so many interesting species that you would see!

  • Travel back in time to meet your ancestors or forward to meet your descendants? - I think both would be absolutely awesome, but I have this thing about knowing your future, and I think I'd prefer to live my life without knowing what was going to happen. Imagine if you found out something and you lived your whole life just waiting for that thing to happen! I think it would be amazing to meet your ancestors though, because they've already lived, and you can find out the coolest things about them!

  • Have in flight wifi but no legroom or lots of legroom but no wifi? - The second option I think, because I rely on wifi too much and need to reduce my reliance on it! Anyway, the flight would only be a few hours so you could read a book or chat to people.

  • Be able to play every musical instrument that you touch or speak every language that you hear? - Definitely the languages! I learnt French at secondary school and I really enjoyed it, although I'm not naturally gifted at languages so even though my French exam was only 3 1/2 months ago, I haven't spoken it since and so I've forgotten a lot! I love languages though, and imagine all the people you'd be able to speak to if you could understand every language!! 

  • Be able to eat anything and any quantity of food with no negative health effects or be refreshed and well-rested after only 3 hours of sleep? - This is a hard one! They both sound so appealing!! But I would have to go for the first option because I eat far too much sugar and it's really bad for me, so if there were no negative health effects then that would be perfect for me!!

  • Die happy in 5 years or die unhappy in 60 years? - I think life is all about being happy! What's the point in living for another 60 years if it's just going to be miserable? I want to have lived a happy life when I die, and for people to remember me as a happy person!!

So that's all of the questions! As I said at the beginning, you should go and check out Yasmine's blog because it's really good and she's really lovely!! Feel free to answer these questions on your own blog, but if you do, please let me know in the comments because I'd love to hear your answers!! Thanks for reading,

Love as always,
Georgia xxx

Sunday, 30 August 2015

xx A Little Post To Say Thank You! xx

Hey everyone!!

This is just a quick little post because, I just want to say thank you to everyone reading and following my blog! I cannot believe that I already have 1000 page views, and that both my blog and my profile have over 200 followers on bloglovin!

I literally can't even begin to describe how incredible this feels! When I started this blog a measly month ago, I never in my wildest dreams expected to get 10 views, let alone 1000 and for 200 people to have gone out of their way to click my follow button! It means so much, that this little hobby of mine, is actually enjoyed by others! It's just incredible, and it's such a confidence booster! Already there are a few fellow bloggers that I have begun to consider friends and many more bloggers whose blogs I regularly read and love. Yes, I know I've said this before, but everyone in this blogging community is so supportive, and I've never seen one negative comment on any of my posts or on anyone else's posts that I've read - and trust me, I've read a lot of blog posts!!

When I first published my blog, I was literally expecting nobody to read this, and when the view count went up, even by one view, I just couldn't believe it! I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading! *Virtual hugs to everyone*

All the love, as always

Georgia xxxxxx

P.S. I've decided that I want to try to post either 2 or 3 posts a week, so I'm aiming for every 3 days?! Although if I don't always manage it, I'll probably just be caught up with school work or something! But I promise I'll try my best to balance both blogging and school! xxx

Friday, 28 August 2015

Why I Love: Italy

Hey everyone!

About 2 weeks ago, I did a post called "Why I Love: Louise Pentland" and I wanted to make it the first installment of a "Why I Love" series. In this 'series' I'm going to talk about things, places, people (etc.) that I love and today I felt like telling you why I love Italy, so here it is. "Why I Love: Italy" - Enjoy!

Three years ago, my parents decided that we were going to go on our holidays to Italy instead of finding a new place to stay in France. They'd been before and thought that it was a great idea to take me and my sister this time. So we went to stay near Lake Garda, and since that time we have been back, and are planning to go again soon!

Honestly, if you haven't been, I seriously recommend you think about it! I feel so lucky to have been! There's so much to do! If you're a sight-seeing sort of person, then there is LOADS to see, but if you're the sort of holiday-er who wants to go and be active, then there is LOADS to do! You can go mountain biking, walking, boating, swimming (in pools and in the lakes!), windsurfing and also paragliding! - You can't really be bored there! Also, you'd expect the restaurants to be really expensive, but they are amazingly cheap! You can get a Margarita pizza (which by the way is both huge and authentically Italian - so in other words the best!) for literally 5 euros! So it is so much cheaper than a restaurant in the UK and you get the added benefits of the warm nights, and amazing views!!

We're more of a sight-seeing family so we spend most of the holiday just exploring, so I'm going to share some of the pictures I took whilst there!! - I hope you like them!!

View from the mountains

The Mountain Valleys

A little plaza in one of the towns

Cute little clock tower which we went up

The colourful harbour

Looking out to the lake

Beauty of the harbour

So bluuueee!

Cute little sculpture/statue

All the trees in front of the lake

Beautiful view from another harbour

Yet another view from a harbour!
The Mountains from the Lake

View from the Ferry: The ferries act as buses across the lake, so you don't even need a car!!

The Lake in the distance

The colourful buildings - so beautiful!

The Cathedral in Milan - about 2 hours away from the Lake
River at night - sorry for the bad photo!
Me trying to be a pro photographer...
All the windsurfers on the lake
Thought these were cute

Another view from the Mountains!

Another shot from the Ferry!!

My Favourite 

 Hope you liked this post! Have you ever been to Italy? What's your favourite holiday destination? Thank you for reading,

Love as always,
Georgia xxx

Follow my bloglovin account here!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Back To School Stationary!

 Hey everyone!

I don't know about you, but I go back to school (or, I should say: start a new one!) in 2 weeks, and that calls for more stationary! I don't really know why but new pens and patterned notebooks motivate me more so I wanted to ensure I had some to make me more productive with my school work!

Firstly, I bought this set of 10 ball point pens. I've bought these before and I really like the colours so I had to buy them again! I got these from Tesco, and I think they were about £1.50.

 Next, because I'm taking Maths A-Level, I needed to get a notebook with squared paper instead of lined. Unfortunately, it's really hard to find any pretty ones, so I had to settle for these plain excercise books. (Please let me know if you know anywhere that sells some really pretty ones!) These were £0.99 each from Ryman.

 I got these 3 notebooks which I think are soooo pretty! My favourite one is the orange A5 one. I got it for my birthday so I don't know how much it was but I think it's from Paperchase. The zig-zag pattern is actually individual bits of coloured paper stuck on so it's so unique. The blue-purple one was £3 from The Works. I love the red and black floral one because it's so pretty! It was £2.50 from Wilkinsons.

I bought these A4 ring binders from Tesco. They came in a pack of 5 (my sister has the other one, which is purple) and they were reduced from £5 to just £2.50 so each one was only 50p! I've got one for each of my subjects, and they're going to be so useful!

Okay, so I didn't buy this recently, but I wanted to include it in this post anyway. It's a weekly planner from Paperchase. It's like a calendar but you can write your own to-do-lists on it which I have found so useful, especially for revision timetables and exams. The best part about it is that they're not dated, so you can rip off a piece as and when you want and need to. I can't remember exactly how much it was but I think it was around £7.

So that's all I bought in this little stationary haul. I'm going to use everything for Sixth Form, and all the new stationary is actually making me quite excited to start!!

Are you a stationary lover like me? Have you bought anything new for school? Thanks for reading,
Love as always, Georgia xxx

*All photos in this post are my own. Prices may vary from those listed.*

Sunday, 23 August 2015

5 Things I Want to do Before I'm 30

Hello everyone!!

Sorry I haven't  posted in a while (...again, oops...) - I promise I'll try not to make this a habit!!

I'm quite an introverted person - I'm not particularly adventurous and I have a fairly limited comfort zone, but I'd love one those people who has loads of stories to tell when they're older, so I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone more to make this possible!

So here are 5 things I'd like to be able to do before I turn 30:

  • Run the London Marathon: Wow, I know... I regularly run 5K and I really enjoy it! Don't worry, I do realise that a marathon is over 8 times more than 5K, but I would put in a lot of work. I love watching the London Marathon because the atmosphere is in-cred-i-ble. I'd love to be a part of it one day. 

  • Go sky-diving: Believe it or not, I'm actually scared of heights. Yes, you heard me. It doesn't make any sense, right? Even so, for some (unknown) reason, I've always wanted to go skydiving. My cousin has been and she said it was so beautifully peaceful once you open your parachute, so I'm determined to try it out one day!

  • Visit New York: It's my absolute dreeaam to go to New York. It's such an inspirational place - especially at Christmas! I am determined to spend at least one Christmas and New Year in this beautiful city!

  • Participate in my own fundraising event: I suppose running a Marathon counts towards this, but I want to have done something else that would mean I could raise lots of money for charity and make a great difference to someone's life.

  • Be 100% confident with myself, the way I am: You're probably thinking this is cheesy, but I think it's very important - If you're completely confident with yourself then you can be happy! i think the most important thing in life is to be able to say that you have lived a very happy life!

So these are just 5 of the many things that I want to do in my life. What are some of yours? Please let me know in the comments below, I think it's great to share ideas, and I love hearing from you!!

Thank you for reading, love as always,
Georgia xxx

Monday, 17 August 2015

The Leibster Award

Hello everyone! I hope you're all feeling great! Recently, there have been lots of these 'award' posts circling on my bloglovin feed and it's so encouraging! There isn't actually a physical award, but I suppose that the metaphorical award that you do get is in a way much more rewarding. Bloggers nominate a specified number (each award is slightly different) of other blogs that they love and then those nominees do the same. Today I got a notification saying that the wonderful Elle from 'Elle and her Beauty Blog' and Charlotte from Charlotte's Corner had nominated me for this award, and I was so grateful! I know I've said it before, but this blogging community is so supportive, and I'm really honored to be part of it!

Here are the rules of The Leibster Award:
  • Once nominated, make a post thanking and linking your nominator's blog,
  • Include The Leibster Award's sticker in the post as well (you can copy it from above),
  • Nominate 10 other new bloggers that have 200 or less followers who you think are worthy of this award and include their links in your post. Also, make sure that you let them know they've been nominated by commenting on one of their posts. You can nominate the person who nominated you,
  • Answer the 10 questions asked to you by your nominator (these questions should be on their post). And make 10 questions of your own for your nominees to answer,
  • Finally, copy these rules in your post.

As the rules specify, Elle asked me and her other nominees 10 questions, which I'll answer now,

  1. Why did you want to start a blog? - I really enjoy watching youtubers and I guess I just really admired them for having the confidence to make videos! I thought it would be an amazing project for me to have fun with, but the thing is, I didn't have enough confidence to have videos of myself availiable for anyone on the internet. A blog seemed like just as good an idea! I feel like you can really express yourself and what you love through writing so I wanted to give it a go, and see if anyone read it! And I'm so grateful that they have!! I never for one minute expected to have this many people reading and commenting on my posts, so I'm so thankful! 
  2. What is your favourite aspect of blogging? - I've had the opportunity to speak to so many people from all around the world just by starting blogging! It's weird because although I'm just writing on the internet, I really feel like I'm part of a community! Everyone is so friendly and supportive and I think that's my favourite part.
  3. Do you prefer shopping for makeup or shopping for clothes? - Clothes. Definitely clothes. Without a shadow of a doubt. I like makeup but if I'm honest I usually can't be bothered with it! I love the fact that there are so many possible outfit combinations, so I just can't help myself but go shopping for new clothes!
  4. In your opinion, what's the best way to spend a lazy day? - Although I don't do it enough, I would say read a book. I have too many lazy days and I'm usually just on the internet, but reading a book is so creative and it provides a bit of variation to social media! I really need to read more often! 
  5. Do you have a favourite TV show? If so, what is it? - I don't watch any of the series like Pretty Little Liars (although I want to!) because believe it or not, I don't have Netflix! I know, whaaat?!? So all the programmes I watch are just average TV shows. I've been watching "Eastenders" for years now, and it's still as gripping as ever! Also, I recently discovered the show "Humans" and oh my goodness it's amazing!
  6. Which youtuber would you most like to meet? - It's got to be Louise! She's the nicest person ever, and I feel like you'd be able to have a genuine chat with her! I'd also love to meet Zoe, Alfie, Jim, Tanya...basically I'd love to meet them all, but that's never going to happen haha!
  7. Do you have any hopes or plans for the future? - Yes! Career-wise I'd love to run my own business in house renovation or something like that! I also want to travel the world, visiting places like Rio de Janeiro, New York, Sydney, Miami etc. And in the far future, I'd love to have my own family! I've always wanted to have children since I was young, but obviously when I'm older though! 
  8. Do you have any interesting/hidden talents? - If I'm honest I'm a bit boring in that sense! I don't have any hidden talents! But, yes, I wish I could sing! I'm not asking for the best voice in the world, just one that sounds human and one that people can actually bare to listen to...haha!!
  9. Do you give up easily if things don't go your way? Or are you the sort of person that would persevere? - I'm kinda a bit of both, it depends what the thing is! I don't give up first time, but I'm not the sort of person who would spend years trying to perfect something!
  10. Out of all of the items in your makeup bag, which one would you be unable to live without? - Well I don't actually wear a whole lot of makeup. This holiday I think I've worn makeup like twice, three times? But I would say that I couldn't live without concealer or possibly powder. Even if I won't use it, I like to take some concealer with me in because it reassures me that if I need it, I've got it!

I've just realised that Charlotte also nominated me so thank you so much!! I'm just adding her questions now!!
  1. PLL or Gossip Girl? - I don't watch either, but I want to watch PLL so I'll say that!
  2. Kendall or Kylie? - I actually don't know much about the Kardashians/Jenners but I know more about Kylie, so Kylie!
  3. What are your opinions on contour? - Sorry to be boring again, but I don't wear much makeup so I can't be bothered to contour, but I think it looks lovely when other people do it! I would make a mess of it myself though!!
  4. Twitter or Instagram? - Twitter
  5. Dream Job? - I'd love to own my own business in house renovating!
  6. What's on your makeup wish list right now? - New concealer! I'm running out! Also, I want to find a new lipstick that would go with anything, because I'm lacking in a gorgeous lipstick at the moment!
  7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? - New York. I love New York. It's my favourite city even though I've never been!! I love the fact that its so industrial yet so beautiful at the same time - not many cities are like that!
  8. Favourite Lipstick? - I'm pretty neutral about the ones I own at the moment, because they're nothing special, so I'm on the hunt for one that I can call my favourite!
  9. If you were stuck on a desert island what three beauty products would you take with you?  - My Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water (I love it!!), a moisturiser, and sun cream. I mean if this is a hot desert island, I don't wanna get burnt ahah!!
  10. What are your thoughts on strobing? - Again, I don't wear much makeup so I don't really have an opinion haha!!

Now here are the bloggers that I'm nominating:
And now for their questions:

  1. Favourite song(s)?
  2. Are you a reader? Any book recommendations?
  3. What is or was you favourite school subject?
  4. What are 3 places you really want to visit?
  5. What would be your dream job?
  6. What's your must-have beauty related product and why?
  7. If you could have a day out with any celebrity, who would it be and why?
  8. Favourite Harry Potter character?(haha!)
  9. Who's your favourite band, or artist?
  10. Finally, shoes or clothes?

Go and check out their blogs! They're so good! Thank you for reading everybody,
Love as always,
Georgia xxx

Follow my bloglovin accout here!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Why I Love: Louise Pentland

I'm sure you've all heard of Louise. Louise Pentland? Her Youtube channel, a Sprinkle of Glitter? She has a growing audience of well over 2 million subscribers? And a highly successful blog too? Okay, if you still don't know who I'm talking about, I genuinely feel like you're missing out, and you need Louise in your life.

Louise is truly a wonderful person. She goes around sprinkling happiness (excuse the pun) wherever she goes, and her videos never fail to make me smile. After watching a video or reading a blog post, I always go away having gained something. Whether it be, more confidence or simply being thankful that there are people like Louise and her daughter Darcy in this world who are so beautifully kind and loving.

She has a great passion that people deserve to and should feel confident with themselves and enjoy life more, and this passion has had an effect on me; gradually, I'm gaining more confidence and have started to appreciate and be thankful for the people who want me in their lives, instead of worrying about those who don't. I love this quote by Louise: "You are not defined by other people's opinions." It really gets to me. Before, I always worried whether other people liked my outfit, or if it mattered that I rarely wore make-up. Then Louise made me realise that I should NOT be worrying. It's such a stupid waste of time to be make yourself unhappy because you're trying to please other people. The truth is, you can't please everyone, and the people who really are worth having in your life will be pleased with you however you are. Don't change yourself for anyone.

So a few months ago, Louise got behind and supported the "Use Your And" campaign to encourage us to celebrate all of our qualities and ignore labels that may be forced upon us. Even though this was quite a while ago, I don't feel like it's any less important so, I'm going to use my 'and': "I'm a baking lover and a football fan. I'm aspiring to be a business woman and I'm Harry Potter obsessed." There is nothing or nobody saying that we can't be as many things as we want to be, and the "Use Your And" has helped me to realise that. Now I'm acknowledging my various qualities, and everybody should be too.

Now on to the topic of her recently published book Life With a Sprinkle of Glitter!!!!! This was released on the 2nd of July, which was the day before my birthday so I asked for it as a present and I was so thankful to get it!!!! Obviously I started reading it straight away. And let me tell you, it is one of the most encouraging books I have ever read. The book covers a real variety of topics, for example, there are some brilliant little anecdotes that I loved reading (especially the dating ones!) and there's a great chapter on "Crafts" which includes instructions to make some bunting, and I'm currently in the process of making my own! There are also some really practical chapters such as "Online Safety", "Bullying", "Body Confidence" and "Comfort Zones".

I feel that "Comfort Zones" is a chapter that I can read whenever I'm a bit daunted about a new experience. I know Louise sometimes feels like this, but knowing that she does and how she deals with it has helped me to cope with this feeling myself: I'm going to be starting at Sixth Form in September and a few months ago, I would've expected to be absolutely terrified by this point, but thinking about it now, I'm actually quite excited. Yes, I am quite sad that I'm not going to be spending as much time with my current friends (of my 4 best friends, one is the year below me, one is going to a different school, two are going to the same school as me, but I'm only taking one mutual subject as one of those two) so it's going to be very weird, but then I think about the positive things that I'll gain from the new experiences! I'm such good friends with these 4 (I've been best friends with 2 of them since I was 6 weeks old, and best friends with the other 2 as soon as we met in year 7) so realistically I know we're going to stay good friends, but also I can meet so many other people which is really exciting! Thanks to Louise I have managed to convert my thinking to stop worrying about the bad things, and be grateful for the good things, and I would like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for that.

When I started drafting this post, I was originally planning it to be a book review of Life With a Sprinkle of Glitter, but then I realised that there is so much more to celebrate about Louise than just her abilities as an author! Therefore I decided that I wanted to write about Louise as a person and express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation. She is such an inspirational human being. I genuinely believe that. She is a role model. She is my role model for definite.

Love as always, Georgia xxx

P.S. I understand that this post was very long, but I hoped you enjoyed it anyway! I was considering about making this part of a new series for my blog, under the title "Why I love..." and then writing about why I love a certain topic, person or thing. If this idea appeals to you (don't worry they don't all have to be as long as this one!) could you please let me know - I don't want to be writing posts that nobody has any interest in! I really value your opinions! If you want, you can follow my bloglovin account here to get updates on your feed when I post something new!!! Anyhow, thank you as always for reading, I love you all!